Monday, October 20, 2008

Everything Matters - 10/20/08 - Evening Edition

After a front page report in the New York Times, the McCain campaign is releasing more of the candidate’s medical records. They’re doing so chronologically. So far we know McCain had measles when he was 6, mumps when he was 7 and he survived the Black Plague in 1348.

McCain’s endgame for his campaign is to endlessly repeat the words – socialist, terrorist, Muslim and baby-killer. The Yaser Arafat estate tried to get a cease and desist order against McCain, claiming that Arafat’s reputation as the world’s most famous socialist, terrorist, Muslim baby-killer was being damaged.

The Taliban stopped a bus in southern Afghanistan and beheaded as many as 30 passengers. The Taliban left notes for the international media, they sent videos to
the international media, and they broadcast tapes of the murders.
John McCain blamed Barack Obama.

This year’s World Series is a match-up between the Philadelphia Phillies and
the Tampa Rays. Phillies is urban slang for a marijuana cigarette and Tampa is
well-known as a cigar-making city. So it’s basically the Up in Smoke Series –
Cheech and Chong vs. Garcia y Vega. Or simpler, homegrown vs. subsidized.

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